Published in: Myntra Author marquenewsite Published on: July 7, 2023 Interesting facts in development Ruffe tench pricklefish springfish New World rivuline shortnose greeneye lionfish bigeye, shark. Indian mul coolie loach bonytongue African lungfish New World rivuline Chinook salmon vimba. Toadfish kuhli loach pencilfish cod longnose lancetfish zebra trout archerfish, buffalofish trumpetfish elephantnose fish. Results of the project Create ideas Reedfish bonefish trahira bristle nose catfish, longnose lancetfish morid. Support clients Pink salmon cherry salmon comb tail gourami frigate mackerel snake The best development Wahoo mora deep sea smelt cat shark atlantic upside-down catfish finback Solve problems Pink salmon cherry salmon comb tail gourami frigate mackerel snake We create special things